Friday, January 27, 2012

Making Nosecone [ From Body Filler ]

Video below shows another nosecone I made from plastering car body filler over a wooden plug. A condom (yes, condom)  was placed over the wooden plug so that it would not stick to it and could be released quite easily. I used two application of body filler to get it where it is in this video. I sanded out the pits and bumps between each layer.

I will try and do a video that shows how to make a nosecone like this.

Here is the finished product next to an incomplete one:


  1. That looks great :) Do you find they're brittle?

  2. Hey thanks :) That's a good guess and it maybe true. this filler feels like plastic but I think they are a bit more brittle than normal. Here is a video of the same nosecone after the first application.

    It was flexible yes, but I couldn't tell the breaking point. After the second coat of filler it was really solid though.

  3. Very cool. I think it's a great idea! Being a little flexible is probably a good thing.

  4. Great job! Love your idea for the ..umm.. "protection" for your plug.
    I've had good luck making things with the fiberglass reinforced body filler; never really tried the plain polyester body filler because the other was just stronger looking so I went straight to it, but I know the leftover filler from my body working days was pretty strong when I'd strip it off the spreaders and such.. The "Lightweight filles" tend to have more solids mixed in like talc and some of the newer ones had glass microballons, so those might not work as well for this application. The things that made plain old Bondo hard to use (hard, sticky, and flexible) should make it good for this.

    1. I was going to buy fiberglass but since I had this already I just used it.
      @protection haha, I knew that would attract some comments.
